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How Utilizing Media Can Take Your Landscaping Business to the Next Level

So you’re trying to expand your landscaping business’s reach and boost your brand awareness. Whether you’re new to the industry or you’re a seasoned professional, everyone’s advertising can use a refresh now and then. Well, if you’re looking to reconsider your promotion strategies, the first step to promoting your business is to devise a comprehensive marketing plan.

One of the key components to creating a comprehensive marketing plan is defining your target medium (or media). There are three types of media — owned media, earned media, and paid media — and each includes different types of promotional content. Read on for a breakdown of each type and how they can benefit your landscaping business.

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Owned Media

Owned media are platforms or handles that are related to your brand. In short, they promote your products through your own platforms. Many businesses have begun promoting their products and services on websites, social media, and blogs to widen their audience.

This puts you in charge of everything, including the content you produce and share. This gives you an opportunity to make yourself stand out from your competitors by showcasing your strengths and highlighting your skills. It’s also the most cost-efficient and accessible option of all three.

Benefits of Owned Media

  • Give you full control of the content

  • Don’t charge you for promotion

  • Allow you to experiment on your own and study your audience

Earned Media

If you have ever seen a viral video, then congrats! That’s exactly what earned media is about. This type of media is defined by the engagement it receives: it thrives on interaction and enjoyment, which helps a business grow through the popularity it generates. Some examples of earned media are reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp.

Earned media depend on how well you handle your business and how creative you are in advertising. At the end of the day, the way your audience receives your products will determine how well they do. People tend to believe what other consumers say because it provides a sense of authenticity; while brands tend to highlight only their own strengths, customers have no problem with expressing what they loved or hated about your product.

Benefits of Earned Media

  • Promote credibility and authenticity through customer reviews

  • Provide a massive boost to your business’s reputation and reach

  • Garner traction for all of your social media handles and platforms

Paid Media

Paid media is exactly what it sounds like. It involves investing in a service to enhance your business’s performance by advertising your products on a third-party platform. This is extremely common; you’ve probably already seen it on your most-used apps and websites.

Some examples of paid media services are Facebook, YouTube, and Google advertising. We all know how annoying YouTube ads can be, but we can guarantee that you remember at least one or two brands based on how repetitive their ads are before videos. Paid media are a great option if you’re willing to spend more to promote your brand.

Benefits of Paid Media

  • Use strategic and repetitive techniques to promote your brand

  • Help you reach thousands of potential customers at a time

  • Allow seamless collaboration; you provide the content, they advertise it

Running your own landscaping business and building your brand is no easy job. If you want some help with your marketing plans, contact us at Dirty Marketing Group! We’re happy to help you out.

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