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How Do SEO and Paid Search Work Together?

Many people approach SEO and paid search as separate search engine marketing tactics, and rightfully so. They do generally serve different purposes. But while they may be different in many ways, thinking about SEO and paid search in a way that they complement each other can lead to an even more successful search strategy. You can use the two in tandem and get incredible results.

SEO + Paid Search = Increased Search Engine Presence

Improving your site by making the most of SEO increases your rankability on Google's pages for one or more keywords. Similarly, using paid search ads for those same keywords with high enough bids will allow your ad to appear near the top of Google's search page when prospects search for your keywords.

Paid Search Can Help Recover Lost or Missing Search Engine Clicks

It's quite easy to assume that when your business is already ranking for certain keywords organically, you won't need to use paid search ads for that same keyword.

But by using paid search, you can recover clicks and consumer interests that you may have otherwise missed. Paid search can help draw in more traffic from customers or clients who are searching for your products or services more naturally.

You Can Test New Keywords for SEO Using Paid Search

SEO takes significant time, expense, and research to get off the ground—in due time you start seeing results. There are times when you may think about targeting specific keywords with your SEO but might not be sure whether it will pay off. Paid search allows you to "test" the viability of those keywords for SEO.

Because paid search is relatively inexpensive, it is an excellent strategy that allows you to test the waters on search engines without investing too much time or expenses in modifying your website.

SEO and Paid Search Provide More Data for Smarter Decision Making

Paid Search and SEO work together by providing you with a large data source to improve your decision-making processes. Using this data, you can examine similar metrics from both SEO and paid search campaigns, including:

  • Time on site

  • Clickthrough rate

  • Conversion rate

  • Bounce and exit rate

With this data, you can determine the most effective keywords to use when generating sales. You will also understand better which keywords are least likely to drive customers to make purchases or become leads.

SEO & Paid Search—Boost Your Sites Visibility

Whether you're looking to improve your website's visibility in the search engines, test new keywords, or retarget visitors to your website, SEO and paid search are the answers to your search engine marketing needs.

Our marketing consultants understand the needs of the green industry and are ready to help you grow your business. We offer several marketing strategy packages that will arm you with a plan and effective actionable steps.

If you require more ongoing marketing support, consider our subscription services. A marketing strategy consultant will work with you each month or each quarter to keep your business goals on track.

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